culture crash

I am an Indonesian, currently I'm living in both Germany and Italy for my study. I like to observe people and cultures. This is a very interesting phase in my life; that I have the chance to observe both Italian and German cultures with my Indonesian point of view. Here I scribbled everything interesting that I found.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ciao, Bella!

"Hi, Beautiful!" I guess that's how you should translate that. I got this opening from my Italian friend's e-mail (a girl). I guess it's quite a usual way of saying "hi" in Italy (Well, at least I saw many t-shirts with "Ciao, Bella!" writing made up in Coca Cola logo style everywhere in Italy).

Yet, somehow I can not translate that custom well into Indonesian language. The exact translation will be "Halo, cantik!". But, believe me you won't hear many, if not none at all, greetings like that. You must be in a situation that you really seriously consider the other person beautiful to say it. And that seldom a situation that occur everyday. The circumstances I could think of where that kind of greetings will be said are:
- in a flirting way, between lovers or lovers wannabe or admirer
- between mom and daughter (of course for your mom you're the most beautiful creature in the world =) ). This can be extended to between father and daughter, grandma and granddaughter, etc. All the parental relationship.
- when your name or nickname indeed is "Cantik"
- ....
errr...there you go, I can not think about any other circumstances.

Well, but then here I got this casual greetings from my friend. So, does that make me beautiful? [of course I am ;)].
Now, I am thinking about the Italian culture. One of my friend told me that Italians are almost the same like Indonesians when you are talking about courtesy things. When you meet you are usually supposed to ask at least "how are you?" out of courtesy and then usually the conversation will be a long conversation that involve everything.

I know I can rely on my own culture about this courtesy and politeness thing. There should be no way Italians can beat ours. But, then why my culture doesn't include this "Ciao, Bella" greetings? Especially in the form that I got here, between girls in a friendly way.

I still have no answer yet for that. So, I'll update this later.

But, anyway, I think this is also the case for other language,right? I mean I don't recall I remember "Hi, Beautiful!" greetings, or "Bonjour, belle", or "Hallo, schoenes" (Well, for the French and German ones I am not really sure actually, still learning them now ^^)


Blogger ted said...

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9:14 AM  
Blogger Ismail Habib said...

halo cantik...

huek huek cuih cuih...

becanda Ciii... ampunnnnnnnnnn...!!

9:39 AM  
Blogger Credo said...

"Halo Cantik"

hmm, kayaknya ini lebih sering dipake anak2 muda yg nongkrong di warung2 kopi untuk menggoda gadis2 yang lewat.. Jadi kayaknya di Indo lebih spt pelecehan buat si gadis. Hehehe, menurutku lhoo..

Tapi emang beda ya, klo yg menyebutkan kata2 itu teman kita sendiri :D

11:37 AM  
Blogger lite said...

Ciao, Bello! :D

@ Sandy : waa, tadi baru baca kayanya bntar lagi bakal dapet banyak banget temen luar negri tu ya, sand? Jepang lagi! Awwwwww, mauuuuuuu....! kirimin mesin DDR, ya, ntar dari sana, sand! ;D

@ Habsq : oalaaahh, ini to makanya tiba2 kok ber-ciao bella, ciao bella :D awas lo kalo ketauan linds :p

@ Andi : hehehe, iya, kayanya kalo settingnya di warung kopi pasti jadi najis tralala dengernya ^^. Kalo daku yg nyebutin kata itu ke dikau gmn, ndi? : halo, cantik! hihihihi ...jk, loh:D

1:05 AM  

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