culture crash

I am an Indonesian, currently I'm living in both Germany and Italy for my study. I like to observe people and cultures. This is a very interesting phase in my life; that I have the chance to observe both Italian and German cultures with my Indonesian point of view. Here I scribbled everything interesting that I found.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Local regional stereotype

Hmm...I kinda forget it already that culture clashes do happen often too locally, I mean among Indonesians. I recently had it on an Indonesian gathering.

The talk went about the stereotypes of every region. Someone said that there's this malaysian study regarding them which is circulated through mails. I have no idea whether this is the afromentioned thing, but the description quite matched what was talked in that moment. Copy pasted from there this was the topic :
Orang Jawa misalnya berperwatakan lembut dan lambat, orang Sunda - periang dan penggoda, orang Batak -kasar, orang Padang - licik.

translation : Javenese people for example, has gentle personality and do things slowly, Sundanese - cheerful and flirty, Batak - rude, Padang - tricky.

OMG, now that I read that, that's so creepily matching the event at that time, we were consisted of 3 javanese ppl, 1 sundanese, 1 batak(ese?) person, and 1 padang(ese?) person.What were the odds?

It wasnt really a long talk actually, most of us just laughed it off. But, then one, from Batak, went on and said, "but it's true, Sundanese ppl is indeed flirty", to which of course the sundanese one showed her disapproval. Yet, the one who said it stood firm for her stance, "Yes, it is true, I know it myself". and there went the atmosphere from friendly laughs to us still trying to laugh awkwardly between the two arguing ones. The sundanese went on expressing that it might be a stereotype but one can not then simply just judge every Sundanese will act like that; and that such a comment was unacceptable, in a bit angered, serious tone, and the other one still stayed calm while repeating her opinion, that she just simply said what she thought as right, what she believed as the truth. And that the opinion abt the stereotype of her was indeed true, and so was the stereotype abt sundanese.

Phew, what a situation, I have to admit I was really scared that it would end badly. Luckily it all went normal after that...well, at least, for me. I dont really remember how it ended. But there were no catfight for sure ^^

So, yeah, that was quite a creepy cultural clash that I wish would never happen again. At least not when I'm around, plz.

Disclaimer : Despite copy pasting those opinion abt regional stereotype in this post, I have no intention at all to support such an opinion. I think everyone's different. And it's one's acts that defines someone, not which region he/she comes from =]


Blogger Ismail Habib said...

it's one's acts that defines someone
surely nobody could be wiser than you :)

12:30 PM  
Blogger lite said... no wise at all >.<
wait...was that meant to be an irony? ^^;;>
habib atuh, the most wisest one ;)

4:45 PM  
Blogger Ismail Habib said...

No, I don't like irony. I prefer to leave the already-dried clothes as it is.

Wait... something strange here...




Oh it's "ironing", sorry my bad ^_^;

9:45 PM  
Blogger lite said...

hahahahahaha!rofl! xD

11:56 AM  

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